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Product Overview

Executive Australian built coaches

McDermotts Coach Group specialise in executive touring coaches in Tasmania for all high end domestic and international groups and also offer transport and touring options to the iconic Cradle Mountain National Park.

McDermott's offers a truly local and authentic perspective on Tasmania, delivered by a professional team providing quality Volvo, Mercedes and MAN coaches chosen for quality, safety, performance and handling.

McDer­motts Coach­es spe­cialise in pro­vid­ing extend­ed tour­ing options and trans­port, day tours, and hik­ing options all year round in the World Her­itage-list­ed Cra­dle Mt Nation­al Park.

Cra­dle Moun­tain Day Tour departs Launce­s­ton dai­ly dur­ing peak sea­son and four days a week over the remain­der of the year. Short tours at Cra­dle Moun­tain depart from the Cra­dle Moun­tain Vis­i­tor Cen­tre and Cra­dle Moun­tain hotels and include the Park Explor­er Tour, a 2 hour ful­ly guid­ed inter­pre­tive tour into the Nation­al Park and the very pop­u­lar Night Spot­ting Tour which gives you a fas­ci­nat­ing insight into the noc­tur­nal activ­i­ties of the local ani­mals includ­ing wom­bats, wal­la­bies, pos­sums and the occa­sion­al quoll and devil.

McDermott’s Coach­es has long been known in Tas­ma­nia for its qual­i­ty staff, excep­tion­al ser­vices, and pre­mi­um Aus­tralian built coach­es. The com­pa­ny also has a very strong focus on pro­vid­ing sus­tain­able and envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly trans­port options on our roads and in our Nation­al Parks.

McDer­mot­t’s Coach­es are work­ing hard to low­er emis­sions and become a car­bon-neu­tral trans­port busi­ness. Tour­ing coach­es meet the Euro 5 & 6 high­est emis­sion stan­dard pos­si­ble. New low emis­sions vehi­cles at Cra­dle Moun­tain include diesel/​electric hybrid bus­es, the first used in a tourism oper­a­tion in Australia.

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