

Ade­laide to Gee­long via the Great Ocean Road, an Aus­tralian Nation­al Her­itage-list­ed 240-kilo­me­tre stretch of road along the south-east­ern coast of main­land Aus­tralia. This amaz­ing stretch of road vis­its coastal towns and spec­tac­u­lar views of stun­ning sand­stone land­scapes. We will vis­it Mt Gambier’s mag­nif­i­cent Blue Lake and extra­or­di­nary Gar­den Cave then head to War­rnam­bool, where his­to­ry, nature, and cul­ture meet. As we con­tin­ue towards Gee­long we vis­it Lorne, where there is a spe­cial some­thing for every­one to explore or indulge in before we make our way to Gee­long for our overnight berth on the Spir­it of Tas­ma­nia to home.

Please refer to Addi­tion­al Info for Terms & Con­di­tions for this tour 

TERMS AND CON­DI­TIONS SUM­MA­RY. Please refer to book­ing form for full terms and con­di­tions. To book please phone our office on (03) 6330 3717 or email travelclub@​mcdermotts.​com.​au. A book­ing form is required from each per­son with their full legal name as per their iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. Min­i­mum num­bers of 20 pas­sen­gers apply for the tour to oper­ate. Itin­er­ary sub­ject to change for rea­sons beyond our con­trol includ­ing avail­abil­i­ty, hours of oper­a­tion, weath­er etc. A $500 deposit per per­son is due on book­ing to secure your seat. Final pay­ment is due by Mon­day 3 June 2024.

Online Booking

The easiest way to book is right here, right now. Please ensure you have read our terms and conditions before booking.



Traveller information


${ price.currency_symbol }${ price.adult_tour_sell } ${ price.currency_code } Free


4–14 years old
${ price.currency_symbol }${ price.child_tour_sell } ${ price.currency_code } Free


< 4 years old
${ price.currency_symbol }${ price.infant_tour_sell } ${ price.currency_code } Free


No pickup from AirBnB or private residence.
Transfer $${ check.prices.transfer }
Extras $${ check.prices.extra }
Discount $${ check.prices.discount }
Total $${ check.prices.total } ${ check.prices.currency }

Key Details


Friday 20th September 2024


Wednesday 25th September 2024


  • Flight to Adelaide
  • Spirit of Tasmania Ferry (overnight)
  • Luxury Coach Travel
  • 4 nights accommodation

Not Included

  • Travel Insurance
  • Alcoholic or Aerated Drinks
  • Soveniers


  • $3,495.00 per person twin share
  • $500.00 single supplement fare