Lake Eyre


Embark with us on an aer­i­al tour of awe-inspir­ing Lake Eyre across 5 days. This unique and fas­ci­nat­ing nat­ur­al won­der in South Aus­tralia is Australia’s largest lake when filled, cov­er­ing approx­i­mate­ly 9,500 sq km.

When dry, the lake is a vast white salt flat, with intri­cate cracked sur­face pat­terns that look oth­er­world­ly from above. Dur­ing wet­ter peri­ods, the lake fills with water, trans­form­ing into a haven for birdlife and cre­at­ing stun­ning reflec­tive sur­faces. This sea­son­al trans­for­ma­tion is a rare and spec­tac­u­lar sight.

We vis­it Anna Creek Sta­tion, the world’s largest cat­tle sta­tion cov­er­ing more than 23,000 sq km and step among the unique geol­o­gy and vivid colours that are the Paint­ed Hills. Enjoy an out­back lunch after tour­ing Mt Eba Sta­tion and final­ly touch down in the leg­endary out­back town of Birdsville. This small oasis on the edge of the Simp­son Desert to enjoy a pri­vate town tour and lunch at the icon­ic Birdsville Hotel.

Through­out the tour, our pilot or guide will pro­vide insight­ful com­men­tary on the geo­log­i­cal for­ma­tions, his­tor­i­cal sig­nif­i­cance, and eco­log­i­cal aspects of the regions you’re fly­ing over. This is one of those pinch me tours, def­i­nite­ly not to be missed!

June 2025 — Dates to be Confirmed 

Mod­er­ate activ­i­ty, stairs, and stand­ing peri­ods. Guests should be able to walk longer dis­tances, climb stairs, and nav­i­gate uneven ter­rain. Suit­able for those who are mod­er­ate­ly fit, lead­ing semi-active lives, com­fort­able with long days, and expect­ing some phys­i­cal exertion. 

Key Details


  • $6995.00 per person Twin Share
  • $550.00 Single Supplement

June 2025 - Dates to be Confirmed

Expressions of Interest Welcomed