

Step back in time with us on a jour­ney to the heart of Out­back Queens­land as we board the Spir­it of the Out­back rail ser­vice from Bris­bane to Lon­greach. A mem­o­rable and unique way to see sights you wouldn’t ordi­nar­i­ly encounter on a road trip. We catch the train one way to Lon­greach for our 3‑night stay in this unique loca­tion and trav­el via lux­u­ry coach for our return journey.

We will vis­it the Stockman’s Hall of Fame, cruise the Thom­son Riv­er and enjoy a vis­it to a work­ing cat­tle sta­tion along with the QAN­TAS founders Muse­um, just to name a few, and head to Win­ton to enjoy the Waltz­ing Matil­da Cen­tre and the Age of Dinosaurs Museum.

This tour offers a blend of nat­ur­al beau­ty, his­tor­i­cal sig­nif­i­cance, and out­back adven­ture, mak­ing it a quin­tes­sen­tial Aus­tralian trav­el experience.

Mod­er­ate activ­i­ty, stairs, and stand­ing peri­ods. Guests should be able to walk longer dis­tances, climb stairs, and nav­i­gate uneven terrain. 

Suit­able for those who are mod­er­ate­ly fit, lead­ing semi-active lives, com­fort­able with long days, and expect­ing some phys­i­cal exertion. 

Key Details


Monday 7th July 2025


Monday 14th July 2025

Costs and Inclusions to be Advised

Expressions of Interest Welcomed