Mystery Tour



Join us for three excit­ing mys­tery tours through­out May! Yes, three! Each tour has been thought­ful­ly curat­ed to main­tain an air of intrigue and surprise.

The tours will fea­ture a vari­ety of activ­i­ties and meals, ensur­ing a unique expe­ri­ence with each one. Be sure to check the star rat­ings assigned to each tour and read the descrip­tion of clues of the day to dis­cov­er which mys­tery will cap­ture your imag­i­na­tion for an adventure!

Detailed Itinerary

Please note that the itinerary is subject to change without notice.

  • Day 1: Thursday, 8 May — Mystery Tour 1

  • Day 2: Friday, 16 May — Mystery Tour 2

  • Day 3: Wednesday, 28 May — Mystery Tour 3

Tour Highlights

  • Tour 1: 08MAY25 - Nes­tled in a small town, ded­i­cat­ed to pio­neer­ing, hous­es rare arti­facts and tan­ta­lis­ing clues, a pic­turesque haven, award win­ning cheeses, local ingre­di­ents, agri­cul­tur­al his­to­ry, panoram­ic views…
  • Tour 2: 16MAY25 - Locat­ed north of Hobart, a his­toric prop­er­ty, built in 1830, colo­nial archi­tec­ture, Geor­gian design, learn about the ear­ly Euro­pean set­tlers, well-pre­served con­vict-built sand­stone build­ings, old-world charm, local pro­duce and delights…
  • Tour 3: 28MAY25 - A town steeped in his­to­ry, warm and rus­tic atmos­phere, friend­ly ser­vice, hearty meals, off-the-beat­en-path expe­ri­ence, rur­al charm, agri­cul­tur­al roots and tra­di­tions, charm­ing venues…

Tour Pick ups: 

1. Exeter through to Perth Train Park 

2. Exeter through to Perth Train Park 

3. Kings Mead­ows through to Westbury

Key Details


Thursday 8th May 2025


Thursday 8th May 2025


  • Morning tea
  • Lunch
  • Attraction

Payment Terms

  • Payment is required two weeks prior to departure