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Vis­it the green vibrant city of Sin­ga­pore! A mod­ern city-state with a rich cul­tur­al her­itage. Wan­der through the UNESCO list­ed Botan­ic Gar­dens, vis­it the icon­ic Sky­park Obser­va­tion deck, a Night Safari and a riv­er cruise. 

We vis­it the Gar­dens by the bay – icon­ic tree like struc­tures, flower domes and an indoor water­fall and explore the cul­ture and his­to­ry of Singapore. 

Make the most of this stay put” tour and immerse in the local cul­ture and its var­ied cuisine. 

Mod­er­ate activ­i­ty, stairs, and stand­ing peri­ods. Guests should be able to walk longer dis­tances, climb stairs, and nav­i­gate uneven terrain. 

Suit­able for those who are mod­er­ate­ly fit, lead­ing semi-active lives, com­fort­able with long days, and expect­ing some phys­i­cal exertion. 

Tour Highlights

  • Garden Festival
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Payment Terms

  • Non-refundable deposit required on booking