All Book­ings for char­ter ser­vices with McDer­motts are made sub­ject to the fol­low­ing terms and con­di­tions. By con­firm­ing your book­ing, you con­firm to us your accep­tance of these terms & conditions.

  • All pas­sen­gers trav­el­ling with McDer­motts Coach­es over the age of 12 years, are encour­aged to be ful­ly vac­ci­nat­ed with an approved Covid 19 vaccination.

1. Def­i­n­i­tions

1.1 Book­ing” means reser­va­tion by us of a time, date and price for the ser­vices that has been or to be con­firmed by us in writing.

1.2 Busi­ness Day” means a day which is not a Sat­ur­day, Sun­day or a pub­lic hol­i­day in Tasmania

1.3 Pas­sen­ger” means all per­sons to be car­ried as part of the ser­vices pro­vid­ed to you.

1.3 Price” means the fee quot­ed for the services.

1.4 Quote” means a price pro­vid­ed to you by us for the pro­vi­sion of a request­ed service.

1.5 Ser­vices” means pro­vi­sion by us of any char­tered trans­port services.

1.6 Des­ti­na­tion” means any attrac­tion, activ­i­ty or des­ti­na­tion or sup­pli­er of attrac­tion, activ­i­ty or destination.

1.7 Trav­el Date” means the date the ser­vices are to be pro­vid­ed under the booking.

1.7 us”, we”, our”, means McDer­motts Coach­es, our dri­vers, employ­ees, con­trac­tors and assigns.

1.8 Vehi­cle” means coach used for pro­vi­sion of the services.

2. Quo­ta­tion

2.1. Where we have pro­vid­ed you with a quote for ser­vices (via our web­site, email or oth­er means) the prices pro­vid­ed in the quote are cur­rent at the time of quo­ta­tion and may be sub­ject to change pri­or to con­fir­ma­tion of your booking.

2.2. All quotes pro­vid­ed by us are sub­ject to avail­abil­i­ty at the time of booking.

2.3. All prices quot­ed by us include GST.

2.4. If at any time before the trav­el date, any applic­a­ble air­port charges, road tolls, entry fees or park­ing charges increase, we reserve the right to pass on the increas­es to you. 

3. Changes to your Booking

3.1. Any changes to your book­ing will be accept­ed by us sub­ject to avail­abil­i­ty. McDer­motts Coach­es reserves the right to charge an amend­ment fee in respect of any change to your book­ing with­in 30 days of trav­el and in addi­tion to any oth­er applic­a­ble charges in rela­tion to the amendment.

3.2. If your book­ing does not run to sched­ule and the ser­vices pro­vid­ed are extend­ed in dura­tion from those arranged in the book­ing you may be asked to pay an addi­tion­al fee.

4. Can­cel­la­tions

Should you can­cel your book­ing the fol­low­ing rules will apply:

4.1. If your book­ing is can­celled out­side 30 days of the trav­el date no can­cel­la­tion fee is payable. 

4.2. If your book­ing is can­celled with­in the 30 days pri­or to the trav­el date the can­cel­la­tion fee payable will be 10% of the net val­ue of the booking.

4.3. If your book­ing is can­celled with­in 48 hours, the can­cel­la­tion fee payable will be 50% or at the dis­cre­tion of McDer­motts Coaches. 

4.4. In addi­tion to any can­cel­la­tion fee payable under claus­es 4.1 to 4.3 you will be respon­si­ble for pay­ment of any charges levied by a des­ti­na­tion in respect of the can­celled booking.

4.5. McDer­motts Coach­es may can­cel the book­ing due to an event of Force Majeure or if in our rea­son­able opin­ion it is not pos­si­ble to per­form the ser­vices through no fault of ours. 

5. Pay­ments

5.1. Pay­ment can be made by Cash, Cred­it Card or Direct Deb­it to our bank account. A deposit of 10% is required to secure your book­ing. Final pay­ment must be com­plet­ed and received four­teen [14] days pri­or to the trav­el date. Our bank account details will be pro­vid­ed by email or on an invoice if request­ed by receipt of a pur­chase order.

5.1.1. Pay­ments by Cash can be made at our depot at 35 Legana Park Dri­ve, Legana Tasmania.

6. Lia­bil­i­ty

6.1. McDer­mot­t’s Coach­es has no lia­bil­i­ty for any act, omis­sion, or default, whether neg­li­gent or oth­er­wise of any des­ti­na­tion or third party. 

6.2. McDer­mot­t’s Coach­es will not be liable for loss or dam­ages aris­ing out of the delay in depar­ture or delay of services.

6.3 If your tour does not run to sched­ule as a result of a third-par­ty ser­vice provider, air­line delay or sim­i­lar and extend­ed hours are required as a result of the delay, addi­tion­al fees may be charged to cov­er any addi­tion­al hours nec­es­sary to meet itin­er­ary requirements. 

7. Ser­vice

7.1. McDer­motts Coach­es will endeav­or to depart at the times agreed with you and it is your respon­si­bil­i­ty to account for all pas­sen­gers at these times. We will not accept any respon­si­bil­i­ty for any loss­es incurred by pas­sen­gers who fail to fol­low your instruc­tions. The hours agreed for your coach hire book­ing must be observed (oth­er than in the case of seri­ous emer­gency or diver­sion) so that cur­rent reg­u­la­tions gov­ern­ing dri­ver’s hours and rest peri­ods may be com­plied with. 

7.2 McDer­mot­t’s Coach­es will at the time of con­firm­ing your book­ing con­firm the seat­ing capac­i­ty of the vehi­cle to be sup­plied. No more than the max­i­mum num­ber of pas­sen­gers indi­cat­ed may be car­ried on each vehicle.

7.3 Whilst very effort shall be made to sup­ply a McDer­mot­t’s Coach­es vehi­cle some­times such vehi­cles become unavoid­ably unavail­able. In such cas­es, we shall sup­ply the high­est stan­dard of vehi­cle avail­able to us at the time, includ­ing those of oth­er oper­a­tors, for all or part of the hire. We reserve the right to pro­vide a larg­er vehi­cle than that spec­i­fied at no extra charge.

8. Pas­sen­ger Behav­ior

8.1. As per the Tas­ma­nia Road Safe­ty Act Part 2 Sec­tion 7.3 NO ALCO­HOL is to be con­sumed on board any vehi­cles. No per­son shall, in a motor vehi­cle that is in motion, con­sume any intox­i­cat­ing liquor. We reserve the right to refuse entry by any pas­sen­ger to the vehi­cles, if we believe the pas­sen­ger is intox­i­cat­ed (whether by drugs or alco­hol) to such a lev­el that they may pose a threat to them­selves, to oth­ers or to our prop­er­ty or the prop­er­ty of oth­er passengers.

8.2. Any addi­tion­al costs incurred by you or by us by virtue of claus­es 8.1 8.2 will be borne by you.

8.3. Pas­sen­gers must wear seat­belts and remain seat­ed when coach­es are moving.

9. Dam­age to the Vehicles

9.1. Clean­ing fee — A clean­ing fee with a min­i­mum of $250 per vehi­cle may be charged where a vehi­cle is left unrea­son­ably soiled after your service.

9.2. Dam­age Caused cost — You are respon­si­ble for any costs incurred by us in respect of any dam­age caused by pas­sen­gers on your ser­vice to a vehi­cle. Any dam­age caused to the inte­ri­or fit­tings and fix­tures, win­dows, and facil­i­ties (fire extin­guish­ers, emer­gency ham­mers & exits) dur­ing the ser­vice will be charged to you at the cost of replace­ment or repair.

10. Lost Property

10.1 All lost prop­er­ty will be returned to McDer­mot­t’s Coach­es depot and kept in Lost & Found. All lost prop­er­ty can be col­lect­ed from the depot at 35 Legana Park Dri­ve, Legana by arrange­ment with management.

11.1 McDer­mot­t’s will not be held liable for loss or dam­age to any lost prop­er­ty which has been lost dur­ing the dura­tion of the charter.