

Check out adding our 3 com­po­nents of Cra­dle Moun­tain Day Tour” Night Spot­ting Tour” and your Cra­dle to Launce­s­ton Trans­fer” to your cart to receive dis­count. This pro­vides you with the flex­i­bil­i­ty of select­ing your pre­ferred dates of trav­el, adjust­ing the expe­ri­ence to suit you. Please check avail­abil­i­ty of Night Spot­ting Tour first as this may be on a reduced sched­ule due to staff avail­abil­i­ty and pri­vate charters. 

Cra­dle Moun­tain, with its ancient rain­forests and alpine heaths, is part of the Tas­man­ian Wilder­ness World Her­itage Area and the park is one of the state’s most spe­cial places, where ancient pines fringe glacial lakes and icy streams cas­cade down rugged mountains.

Depart Launce­s­ton and trav­el up into the moun­tains through gorges, rain for­est and but­ton grass plains to reach Cra­dle Moun­tain you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to vis­it Dove Lake with spec­tac­u­lar views of Cra­dle Moun­tain, explore his­toric Wald­heim Chalet and the ancient rain­forests and enjoy the cas­cad­ing water­falls and many short walks on offer along with a ful­ly guid­ed Night Spot­ting adventure. 

Tour oper­ates dai­ly dur­ing peak sea­son (Decem­ber — April) and Sun­day all year round.

Departs from Launce­s­ton and includes Day Tour, Trans­port and Park Pass Day 1 only — Cra­dle Mt accom­mo­da­tion not included.

Please advise, from the fol­low­ing pick-up points, where you will meet our coach in Launceston

  1. Ceno­taph on Pater­son Street 
  2. Hotel Grand Chan­cel­lor Launceston 
  3. Best West­ern Plus Launceston 
  4. Launce­s­ton Backpackers

Also not­ing your Cra­dle Moun­tain accom­mo­da­tion (own arrange­ment)
Cra­dle Moun­tain Hotel/​Cra­dle Dis­cov­ery Park/​Cra­dle Moun­tain Wilder­ness Village/​Cra­dle Moun­tain Highlanders/​Pep­pers Lodge Cra­dle Mountain

Detailed Itinerary

Please note that the itinerary is subject to change without notice.

  • Day 1: Launceston to Cradle Moutain

    • Depart Launceston at approx. 07:30 from our key pick up points and travel to Cradle Mountain National Park on McDermott’s fully guided day tour.
    • Enjoy the spectacular scenery of the Great Western Tiers and the remarkable murals at Sheffield depicting the history of the Cradle Valley on the way.
    • On arrival at Cradle Mountain you have the opportunity to visit Dove Lake with spectacular views of Cradle Mountain, see beautiful rainforests at Waldheim Chalet and enjoy the cascading waterfalls of the National Park.
    • Mid-afternoon you will be transferred to your accommodation, that you have booked prior to departure and have the opportunity to enjoy the unique wilderness surrounds.
    • That evening you join the Night Spotting Dusk Tour, a night spotting adventure searching for the locals including wallabies, wombats, possums and maybe even a Tasmanian devil.
  • Day 1: Cradle Mountain to Launceston

    • Enjoy a free morning at leisure to explore some of the easily accessible short walks on offer in and around the Cradle Mt Interpretation Centre or alternatively enjoy the hotel facilities which may include the Wilderness Gallery or a visit to the Alpine Day Spa.
    • Mid-afternoon you will be picked up from your accommodation and join a fully guided tour travelling back to Launceston arriving at approximately 5.30pm

Tour Highlights

Key Details


  • Launceston to Cradle Mountain Transfers at 7.30am
  • Fully Guided Cradle Mountain Day Tour
  • Night Spotting Tour
  • National Park Pass (for 1day only)
  • Drop off and Collection from accommodation at Cradle Mountain
  • Cradle Mountain to Launceston Transfer at 2.30pm

Not Included

  • Accommodation NOT included - Tours & Transport only
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