Pub­lic Tours Terms & Conditions

  • Fares are in Aus­tralian dol­lars, include GST (Goods and Ser­vices Tax) and are sub­ject to change with­out notice.

2. Chil­dren

  • Chil­dren aged 4 years and up to 14 years
  • Chil­dren aged 4 – 7 trav­el­ling on a Pub­lic Day Tour must be seat­ed in an allo­cat­ed seat and wear a seat belt. 

3. Cour­tesy Hotel Pick Ups

  • Pas­sen­gers must be ready to depart 5 min­utes pri­or to the spec­i­fied depar­ture time as coach can­not wait or return for late pas­sen­gers due to scheduling.
  • Please wait in recep­tion or out­side hotel 5 min­utes pri­or to pick up time.
  • Pick up times may vary depend­ing on traffic.

4. Can­cel­la­tion Policy

  • A 100% can­cel­la­tion fee applies for tours can­celled with­in 24 hours of depar­ture. How­ev­er, if notice of can­cel­la­tion is giv­en and the tour is re-booked there is no charge.
  • A can­cel­la­tion fee of 10% applies for a tour can­celled out­side 24 hours of travel. 

5. Gen­er­al

  • Tas­man­ian State Law require all pas­sen­gers to wear seat belts in all vehicles. 
  • Route changes, post­pone­ment, can­cel­la­tion, or delay — inclement weath­er action from time to time and due to vary­ing cir­cum­stances, McDer­motts reserves the right to change routes, time, date, can­cel or delay the departure.

6. Hik­ing Tours 

  • Hik­ing Tours do require that you must be in good health to par­tic­i­pate in this activ­i­ty. McDer­mot­t’s will take all care to ensure that you as the par­tic­i­pants under­stand the tour how­ev­er you must declare to McDer­mot­t’s that you are in good health and able to par­tic­i­pate in the activity. 
  • Appro­pri­ate cloth­ing, footwear, and wet weath­er cloth­ing for the weath­er con­di­tions at the time of the tour are nec­es­sary. It is your respon­si­bil­i­ty to ensure that you abide by this pri­or to the tour commencing. 

7. Trav­el Insurance 

  • Trav­el insur­ance is recommended. 

8. Indemnity/​Limitation of Liability

  • McDer­mot­t’s Coach­es has no lia­bil­i­ty for any act, omis­sion, or default, whether neg­li­gent or oth­er­wise of any des­ti­na­tion or third party. 
  • McDer­motts Coach­es will not be liable for loss or dam­ages aris­ing out of the delay in depar­ture or delay of services.
  • McDer­mot­t’s Coach­es will not be held liable for loss or dam­age to any lost prop­er­ty which has been lost dur­ing the dura­tion of the charter.