

Please note our tour adjusts sea­son­al­ly, to max­imise the dusk expe­ri­ence when our noc­tur­nal ani­mals are most active:


01 Oct — 06 April — 8.30pm — 10.00pm (7 days a week 01 Oct 2023 – 28 Feb2024


01 May — 01 Sep — 5.30pm — 7.00pm (Friday/​Saturday/​Sunday/​Monday)


01 Sept — 30 Sep — 7:00pm — 8:30pm (Friday/​Saturday/​Sunday/​Monday)

01 March — 05April 8:30 — 10:00pm (Friday/​Saturday/​Sunday/​Monday)

06 April — 30 April— 7:00pm — 8:30pm (Friday/​Saturday/​Sunday/​Monday

Enjoy the very pop­u­lar Night Spot­ting Tour as this is ide­al chance to see Tasmania’s noc­tur­nal crea­tures in their nat­ur­al habi­tat dur­ing the ear­ly hours of the evening.

Wildlife is abun­dant and easy to get close to with pro­fes­sion­al guides to show you where to look.

A cus­tom-made 4‑wheel dri­ve coach will take you inside the Cra­dle Mt Nation­al Park to enjoy a short walk along the board­walk where wom­bats, pademel­ons, wal­la­bies, pos­sums and quolls for­age at night. We may even expe­ri­ence hear­ing or see­ing a Tas­man­ian dev­il in the wild.

Detailed Itinerary

Please note that the itinerary is subject to change without notice.

  • Day 1: Cradle Mountain

    Our professional guide will collect you from your Cradle Mountain accommodation.

    We travel into the iconic Cradle Mountain National Park to Ronny creek to begin our exploration of the area, weather permitting we will leave the bus with our hand-held torches and spotlights and quietly and slowly walk into Mount Kate Hut area to view some animals that are out early for their nighttime feed.

    We stroll along the local area boardwalks of the Cradle Valley Walk and perhaps even the Overland Track where there is a good chance to view some wombats amongst other animals.

    From Waldheim Chalet we will spotlight from the bus along the road and into the forest hoping to spot any elusive animals before returning to your local accommodation.

    Tour Departure times:

    5:30pm- 7:00pm / 01 May 2023 -31 Aug 2023

    7:00pm - 8:30pm / 01 Sep 2023 - 30 Sep 2023

    8:30pm - 10:00pm / 01 Oct 2023 - 07 Apr 2024

    7:00pm - 8:30pm / 07 Apr 2024 - 30 Apr 2024

Tour Highlights

  • Professional Guide - Full Commentary
  • The opportunity to view animals in their own natural habitat.
  • Waldheim Chalet Rainforest area
  • Pick up / Drop off from accommodation
4 Wheel Drive Bus
Fully Guided Tour
4 Wheel Drive Bus
Fully Guided Tour

Night Spotting Tour

Wildlife is abundant and easy to get close to with professional guides to show you where to look!

Addi­tion­al Information

  • Tour does not oper­ate on Christ­mas Day.
  • Com­fort­able walk­ing shoes
  • Wet weath­er jack­ets are required, wet weath­er pants are optional
  • Warm cloth­ing, beanie, gloves, fleece jacket

Key Details


  • 1.5 Hour Tour departs from Cradle Mt
  • Professional Guide & Full Commentary
  • Nocturnal Animals in Natural Habitat.
  • Pick up / Drop off from accommodation
  • Cradle Mountain Office 03 6492 1070

Not Included

  • National Park Pass