Bus and driver


Trans­port Ser­vice Only

Launce­s­ton to Cra­dle Moun­tain Vis­i­tors Centre 

  • Dai­ly Depar­tures Sep­tem­ber — April (excl Christ­mas Day)
  • Win­ter oper­a­tions (May — August) Mon­day, Wednes­day, Fri­day, Sat­ur­day and Sunday
  • Launce­s­ton to Cra­dle Moun­tain reg­u­lar ser­vice departs 7.30 am arriv­ing at 10.30 am at Cra­dle Moun­tain Vis­i­tor Centre.
  • Please advise, from the fol­low­ing pick-up points, where you will meet our coach at 7.30am

    Hotel Grand Chan­cel­lor Launce­s­ton / Best West­ern Plus Launce­s­ton / Tran­sit Cen­tre / Launce­s­ton Backpackers

    Please refer to Cra­dle Moun­tain to Launce­s­ton for return service

Key Details


  • 07:30 Departure Transit Centre, Hotel Grand Chancellor, Best Western Plus or Launceston Backpackers.
  • Short rest stop at Sheffield
  • Drop off Cradle Mountain Visitor Centre or accommodation